25 Lockdown Homeschooling Tips (Tips 1-12)
Homeschooling during lockdown is no walk in the park, as you may have experienced! My mommy-friends with older kids were pulling their hair out this week trying to balance their own busy work schedules and keep up with their children’s schoolwork…not to mention like, keeping the house under control or anything else!
Do you feel the same!?
You did not sign up for this! You love your kids but THIS. IS. HARD. It’s ok! You’re going to get through it, Mama!

I’ve compiled this list of 25 tips for surviving lockdown homeschooling to help you get through it…and…maybe even enjoy it! (Too soon?)
PS: This became a monster-long post so I’ve split it into two parts – YAY! You get two posts this week!
(And just a quick disclaimer: While I have never ‘homeschooled’ before now and many of you have been Mommies much longer than I have, these tips come from years of working with kids in different settings and some of them have become SO much more real now that I have littles of my own! Also, I know the term “Homeschooling” is a problem and I’d rather use the term “parent-facilitated learning”. But I want Moms who need this info to find it…and most people are searching for the term “homeschooling”.)
Relationships are vital for happy homeschooling.
Prioritising the relationships in your home during this COVID-19 lockdown is not only super important for everyone’s survival, but it’s an incredible blessing and opportunity too!
1) Relationship first
If you haven’t already noticed (which you NO DOUBT have!), your relationships with your kids is going to be tested on a whole new level!
Homeschooling, your own work, the state of the house – while all important – pale in comparison to the importance of your relationships in the home. Do whatever it takes to guard those, especially in a time like we’re in!
2) Work together as a family
Take some time to sit together as a family and get on the same page! Plan your week together. Discuss what your expectations are of each other. Make sure you know what homeschooling needs to happen in that week and how it will coincide with everything else.
Find ways to share the load. If you have littles, tag-team with your husband so you can both get things done! Share the chores so everyone is helping out around the house. Be considerate and patient – everyone is experiencing lockdown in their own way!

Want to hear about how our family is coping through COVID-19 Lockdown?
3) Let your kids connect with their friends and family
No matter how introverted you or your kiddos are, being isolated from family and friends is hard!
Allow your child time every day to connect with loved ones and friends! Whether its a video call or texting, let them connect for a bit every day! You can even use this connecting time as part of homeschooling!
4) Do schoolwork online with friends
Co-ordinate with a friend or two and set up a video call session where the kids can work through some homeschooling work together.
It’s the perfect opportunity to get a break while they work on it together, and it gives them a chance to hang out with their friends and get some schoolwork done at the same time!
5) Work with your child’s teachers and ask for help when you need it
You didn’t sign up for this homeschooling thing! Maybe you have no inclination toward teaching whatsoever! Maybe your experience of school is less than wonderful (to say the least!). Your child’s teacher understands that. So hang in there, Mama!
Ask for help when you need it. Keep communication open and honest. If you’re not going to get through all the work today, just let the teacher know. If you’re so lost teaching your child fractions, send the teacher a cry for help!
6) Support your child’s teachers
And don’t forget, many of your child’s teachers are actually in the same boat as you. They’re trying to juggle prep and recording videos, checking students questions and work while their toddlers climb all over them, trying to keep up with the laundry and ANOTHER load of dishes (where do they come from!!)…you totally get the picture. (PS: This is totally not personal experience…ok…it is!)
Give them some grace. Let them know they’re doing a great job. Give them some constructive feedback that will help them improve your homeschooling experience.

7) If you can’t do it, get someone else to tutor them online
If you’re struggling with a subject or topic and you’re getting frustrated and annoyed, it’s time to get some help! Kids pick up on our emotions so quickly and that will end your “happy homeschooling journey”.
If you need someone to sit with your child, online, for 30 minutes a day to guide them through their Maths work and answer their questions, do it! Just get a tutor. It’s not worth the strain on your relationship, the increased stress in the home or your child falling behind! Both you and your kiddo will be MUCH happier people!
Create a homeschooling routine.
Kids thrive on routine – whether they agree with that sentiment or not! Here are some ideas on how you can develop a routine for your family.
8) Establish routine / daily schedule
Make a schedule for the day that is simple and somewhat flexible, but provides security and stability. Schedule in time for getting up and ready, meals, homeschooling, play time, etc.
This is my daily schedule for my littles (almost 1,5yo and 3yo). Do we stick to it to the hour – not a chance! But, they know what should be coming next, and so do I. (Sometimes I live for that 3pm snack time! It’s downhill to bedtime from there!)
For older kids, plan the schedule together and stick it up somewhere so everyone can see it. Here’s a FREE TEMPLATE for planning your day – I’ve also included an example so you can get an idea of how to split up your day! 🙂
9) Get up, get dressed and get going
Have a “get up, get dressed and get going” policy for everyone, every school day. If you want an awake, attentive, productive child to do homeschooling time with, this is the trick!
And it also helps Mama to feel the same! Excep,t I’d probably add the advice to grab a strong cup of coffee. Let’s just be honest here – you’re probably going to need it…
10) Keep your weekends school free
But isn’t there room for sleeping-in and lazy days?!
Absolutely! Plan your schedule to get all the homeschooling work done by the end of Friday, then you, and the kiddos, can have the whole weekend to relax and do things that you all really want to do.

11) Make time for work and time for play
When you’re planning that schedule, schedule in time for work and homeschooling, and time for play.
Don’t get caught in the trap of just working the WHOLE day. This is a life skill we REALLY want our kids to learn! There is a time work and a time for play.
If you have toddlers, their ‘work’ is play – most, if not all of their learning happens while they play so, plan for some structured activities but let them play!
12) Get outside into the sunshine!
Get outside. Breathe some fresh air. Go absorb some sunshine!
Not only is it good for Vitamin D but it makes you happy! (Ask anyone who lives in parts of the world where they barely see the sun in winter – Seasonal Affective Disorder is a thing!) And who wouldn’t like some more happy in their lives!

What are you taking home from this?
The focus of these first 12 tips is Relationship and Routine. These are crucial, foundational things to establish before you can even think about homeschooling.
In my next post, I have some tips for the actual learning-part of homeschooling and how to create an environment that will help your child learn best under these unique and challenging circumstances.
Mommy, don’t give up! I know you sometimes feel at your wits end! I totally get that. Have a good cry if you need to! Rant to your friends if you need to! Lock yourself in the bathroom for a few minutes peace!
But you’re going to get through this! How do I know? Think of all the things you’ve gotten through before! And you’re not alone!

I’d love to connect with you and hear your story! Sign up to my emailing list here, and feel free to email back me anytime! xx