Do you need a Math Solution so your child can enjoy success in Math?
Please note: The doors to The Math Solution Membership will reopen in January 2023.
Click on one of the links below to be added to the waitlist and be the FIRST to know when you can join again!
Does your kid love Math?
If your reaction was to laugh out loud or shake your head dismally, or even to roll your eyes like ‘yeah right’. Then you’re in the right place.
The biggest reason your kid doesn’t love Math is probably because it’s a struggle for them.
Maybe you’ve heard things like:

Maybe their grades are OK but you know they can do so much better.
Or maybe their grades are really not ok. And you’ve tried everything from rewards for good grades to consequences for poor grades; from helping them yourself (well, trying anyway) to hiring an expensive one-on-one tutor.
Maybe you know they should be practicing extra Math worksheets. So you sit down at the computer and search for something online. A million results pop up. You sit for 30 minutes to an hour, clicking and skimming, trying to figure out if it will be a good worksheet – if it will have the right level of content and actually make any difference to your child’s grades.
But you don’t really know what you’re looking for and it’s all very overwhelming!
You’re desperate to help your child but you don’t have the tools or a strategy to help them effectively.

This is why The Math Solution Membership will exist.
For moms just like you, and kids just like yours.
Your child shouldn’t have to struggle with Math. They shouldn’t have to feel like they’re not good enough or like they’re a failure. Like no matter what effort they put into it, they’ll never succeed in Math.
And you shouldn’t have to feel ill-equipped and disempowered to support your child.
This is why I am creating The Math Solution Membership.
My vision for this membership is to equip and empower you to help your child better by providing you with access to training and resources that will:
- Close your child’s learning gaps in Math
- Build your child’s self-confidence and develop a growth mindset for Math
- Enhance other skills your child depends on for success in Math.
Is the Math Solution Membership for you?
The Math Solution Membership will be designed for Grade 4-6 learners, based on the CAPS curriculum and will supplement your child’s regular school curriculum. And while every child would benefit from it, it is aimed at those children who
- Find Math difficult and do not enjoy it because it’s tough
- Have learning gaps because they’ve ‘missed’ a Math concept earlier
- Have a fixed mindset about Math, believing they’ll never be good at it
- Have other barriers to learning that have directly affected their performance in Math, for example, challenges with time management, organization, working memory, and many more.
Children dislike Math because they struggle with it. And they struggle with it because they dislike it.
What if there was a way to solve more than just the symptoms?
What if you could help your child close their learning gaps in Math AND build their self-confidence while developing other skills that enhance their success in Math too?!
Here’s what you’ll get when you sign up for The Math Solution Membership
The first step you’ll take is to assess your child’s learning gaps and challenges. Then, you can design your child’s success strategy and use the targeted resources so your child can relearn those concepts and master them through practice.
My plan is to include two types of TARGETED resources:

No fluff, just EXACTLY what your child needs to close any learning gaps and get their grades up.
Short and sweet, easy to add in for a few extra minutes every day or every week to boost your child’s success in Math.
Developing your child’s social emotional skills and organizational skills is as important as teaching them the academic skills they need for success in Math.
And The Math Solution Membership will do exactly that.
Exclusive BONUSES you’ll get as a member of
The Math Solution Membership
Here are some bonuses that you’ll get as part of The Math Solution Membership and some exclusively for founding members:
- Access to community support through our Members Only Facebook group, where you can ask questions, share experiences and encouragement with other moms who are in the same place as you are.
- Access to personal one-on-one support from me through Voxer. (Limited bonus)
30 day Money-back Guarantee
Want to make sure this the Math Solution for you?
Here’s your 100% risk-free guarantee.
When you join, you’ve got 30 days to check out the resources and see if this is right for you. If not, no worries, just send me an email at and I’ll refund your purchase price.