Have you ever seen your child study SO hard and SO long for a test?

Like, they really put the effort in: they spent hours making cool mind maps, and you even tested them. They knew all their stuff, right!?

But then they get those grades back…

And they are devastated.

Because their less-than-stellar result is exactly what they WEREN’T expecting.

What happened? Where is the disconnect?

Studying hard = Results…right!?

It’s time to learn how to STUDY SMART!

Let’s help your child to learn the skills they need to work with their brain and study more effectively. So they can walk into their next test / exam with confidence and get the results they deserve!

Here’s how we’re going to do this, Mama!

In this course, you’ll find 5 Modules (Plus a bonus one!) of training videos and workbooks to prepare your child for their next test / exam. It’s aimed at the Grade 4 – 7 learner, BUT if your child is older and struggles with studying, they are going to gain so much from this course too!

This on-demand training is ideal because you and your child can work through it in your own time and at the pace that’ll suit you best.

The topics covered include:

* Mindset

Develop a growth mindset
Leverage your strengths to overcome your challenges

* Get Organized
Organize your space and study stuff
Design your unique Study Strategy

* Simplify and Summarize
Use your learning style to study the way your brain learns best
Step-by-step how to create study notes / summaries

* Answer Test Questions
3 types of questions you can expect in tests/exams
How to answer them

* Practical Exam Preparation
Healthy body and mind to prepare for exams
How to manage Test Anxiety

* And a bonus module of 10 Tips to take that test like a Boss!

Here’s a sneak-peek of some of the amazing content you’ll find in this course:

Here’s what others think of the STUDY SMART Study Skills Course.

“I am so glad that I found the Study Smart course! As a teacher, I saw it over and over- kids who knew the information, but struggled to take tests. This course solves that problem by teaching kids both how to study and how to take a test. I love the actionable strategies and the printable workbooks so that students can follow along with each lesson. And module 3 (customized study strategies based on a student’s specific learning style) is gold! If you have a child who struggles to achieve the results they are looking for on tests, this course is the answer!”

– Sarah

Loved this course, I will be recapping it this year with my daughter, found it so valuable, easy to work through and very helpful navigating exams and trying to help my daughter as much as possible.”
– Claudine

👇 Click on the link below to purchase ACCESS to your STUDY SMART Study Skills Course