Sensory Play Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers


These super-easy-to-use Sensory Play Ideas for Toddlers and Preschoolers gives you 7 pages of ideas you can do with minimal preparation and a whole host of fun while you can rest easy know your child is getting new opportunities and experiences which will boost their early development.

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Sensory play is so important. It allows our children to explore their senses in different ways, to integrate those senses and to build their skills. Plus its SO much fun! Our children are concrete thinkers at this young age, so they need to experience their world in a very concrete way.

When you do these activities with your child, do it with the awareness that you’re developing more than just their sensory integration.

Your child is developing:

  • Fine motor skills
  • Social emotional skills
  • Perseverance
  • Listening skills
  • Following instructions
  • Working memory
  • And so, so much more!


These super-easy-to-use Sensory Play Ideas for Toddlers and Preschoolers gives you 7 pages of ideas you can do with minimal preparation and a whole host of fun.  And you can rest easy know your child is getting new opportunities and experiences which will boost their early development.