5 Learning Skills your child needs to Make School Easier and More Successful
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5 Learning Skills your child needs to Make School Easier and More Successful

Want to make school easier for your child? Who wouldn’t! These 5 learning skills are used in ALL of your child’s school subjects. And developing, practicing and mastering them could be a major game changer to your child’s success in school.

Want strong, resilient kids? Develop their social and emotional skills.
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Want strong, resilient kids? Develop their social and emotional skills.

Strong and resilient kids can face challenges and respond in healthy ways because they are equipped with the social and emotional skills they need. Developing these 4 social emotional skills will help your child to stand strong and overcome when they face all of the challenges life throws at them. And you, Mama, are the best person to teach them!

Encourage more, praise less – A Simple Strategy to Build your Child’s Self-Esteem.

Encourage more, praise less – A Simple Strategy to Build your Child’s Self-Esteem.

I’ve been hearing this a lot at the moment when it comes to parenting: Encourage more; Praise less. Praise can be a very vague and, actually an unhelpful way, to honor our children and show them that we love and appreciate them. So how do we encourage our children more and praise them less?

Foster independence in your child so you don’t have to look over their shoulder, checking school work, all the time!
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Foster independence in your child so you don’t have to look over their shoulder, checking school work, all the time!

It’s time to start fostering independence in your child so you don’t have to constantly look over their shoulder to make sure they are keeping up with their school work. Most parents want their child to be more independent without sacrificing their child’s academic success. Here’s how you can train and prepare them, step-by-step, to take more responsibility for their learning while still holding them accountable.

5 Quick Wins making life easier as a Working Mom of Toddlers and a Baby.
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5 Quick Wins making life easier as a Working Mom of Toddlers and a Baby.

Being a working mom of toddlers and a baby is a major challenge, for many reasons. But one of the key reasons is the sheer amount of mental energy you find yourself spending to keep track of everything and manage everyone. These 5 quick wins have been a game changer for helping me cope with #allthethings related to working-mom-life.