FREE Fight-Free Bedtime Strategy Planner
Bedtime meltdowns with your toddler wearing you down.
Tired of feeling like an awful parent when you finally put your child to bed after an evening of fighting, crying and yelling.
Feeling helpless to change things.
It ends today!
This is the exact strategy we used to transform our toddler bedtimes from hysterical meltdowns to happy, calm and peaceful!

If you’re ready to
😠end the meltdowns, crying, yelling, fighting…
😴 make sure your child is getting enough sleep because they’re going to bed at a decent time…
🥰 watch your child fall asleep peacefully, instead of when they’re worn out after a tantrum…
🤗 be free from the guilt of feeling like an awful parent, every night…
🤩 enjoy stress-free evenings and even bag a bit of extra quality time with your partner…
Then it’s time to join me in putting this strategy into action.
These are the tools you’ll find in this Fight-Free Bedtime Strategy Planner:
– reflect on what bedtime looks like now and what you want it to be
– reflect on every step of the process to map out your progress.
Routine Planner
– design an evening routine that suits your family’s situation and needs
– create a sense of security and stability AND get everything done that you need to
Rules Planner
– establish boundaries to decrease bedtime negotiations and stalling.
Bedtime Fading Strategy
– determine what your child’s ideal bedtime should be
– use the step-by-step guide to reset your child’s bedtime over approx. 15 days.