5 Fun Games to play with Times Tables Flash Cards
Times Tables Flash Cards are a classic Math tool. Used with these 5 fun games, they can help your child learn their times tables off by heart, which will improve your child’s speed and accuracy in SO many areas in Math.
Did you ever use Flash Cards when you were a kid!?
Maybe those aren’t the happiest of memories, right? If you’re my age or older, learning things off by heart and regurgitating it in a test was how a lot of school took place. Nowadays, learning is about taking in info, making connections with other info and then applying it in various examples and scenarios.
Ready to Kickstart your child’s success in Math with this
FREE Times Tables Challenge.
5 days of activities to boost your child’s times tables abilities in a FUN and EFFECTIVE way!
👇 Grab it here for FREE! 👇
But the reality is, some skills are just learnt through repetition, until they become so natural and almost automatic. It’s all got to do with creating neural pathways that your brain automatically uses because they’re well-established.
Learning times tables is one of those skills. It’s a must have. And it’s something your child can just learn off by heart. But it doesn’t have to be a painful experience – that’s for sure! So here are 5 fun games and activities your child can play, using Times Tables Flash Cards, until 7 x 8 is no longer a problem for them to remember!
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Times tables are an important skill to have.
Want to know why learning times tables off by heart is one of the most important skills your child can develop?
It’s a skill that’s used in almost ALL topics within Math. From basic operations like multiplication and division sums, to fractions, measurement, percentage and ratio, and so many more – all of these topics use the knowledge of times tables.
If your child wants to improve their speed and accuracy in Math, this is one of the best ways they can do that!
Using Times Tables Flash Cards to learn Times Tables off by heart.
Flash Cards have been used FOR EVER! They’re a classic learning tool. But there’s something about them that has made them so timeless.
In the past, it was about reciting them over and over – and for some children there is value in that. For others, the idea of reciting answers as they flip through a pack of card is completely soul-destroying!
However, there are many other activities and ways you can use times tables flash cards, that are engaging and fun.
But first, you need some.
This pack of super cute, printable times tables flash cards is exactly what you need for the following fun games and activities.
They’re really easy to make. And will be an invaluable resource, if, your child
- is just starting out with learning times tables – they will start off on the right foot and prevent any learning gaps in the topic later on.
- has been at this Math-thing for a while, but could use the extra practice and maybe some extra help in closing this learning gap that’s causing them to stumble in the subject.
Print them, cut them out, fold along the dotted line and glue them together. If you want a longer lasting flash card, you can laminate them. And if they’re laminated and looked after, these times tables flash cards are an investment you are making for a good few years.
(If you’re in South Africa, I got my laminator and pouches from Takealot. If you’re in the States or anywhere else, you can use these links (below) to get yours through Amazon. Laminators are a must-have when you have kids – they’re an investment you really won’t regret! From laminating photographs or kids’ artwork and certificates, to using them for school posters, projects and study materials – you’ll always have a use for one.)

5 Fun Activities using Times Table Flash Cards.
So here they are! But let me just say two things before you jump in:
Firstly, these games and activities are really flexible. This means that you can bend the rules to accommodate your child’s needs or their unique circumstances.
For example, if you have no garden you can set up the Times Tables Treasure Hunt in the house or apartment. If you would like your child to practice just their 6-8x tables today, using one of these games, you can do that, just pick out those cards and use them in the game. Your child can do these activities on their own or with you or with a friend or group of friends when they’re studying.
Secondly, ALL of the the materials you will need for these games is included with this pack of Times Tables Flash Cards. So not only are you getting a pack of super cute Flash Cards, you’re also getting 5 games and activities to go along with them that will make learning times tables off by heart more fun and effective!
Get your Times Tables Flash Cards now and let’s get playing some of these awesome games!
1) Practice with a friend

Play with a friend or in group. You can play with all of the cards, or just a few sets to practice those particular times tables.
You’ll need: Just your pack of Times Tables Flash Cards
How to play: Shuffle the cards and deal them out so each person has an equal number of cards. Player 1 shows Player 2 the question side of the Flash Card, Player 2 must calculate and state the answer. If correct, Player 2 has “won” this card and keeps it aside. If incorrect, Player 1 keeps the card and places it at the back of her pile to ask again later. The aim of the game is to “win” or collect as many correct cards as possible. The Player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
2) Matching Game

Play on your own or with a friend. You will need all of the cards 1x – 12x tables to play this game.
You’ll need: Just your pack of Times Tables Flash Cards and an open space to place the cards.
How to play: Shuffle the cards and lay them all question-side up. The aim of the game is to find cards that have the same answers. For example: 2 x 4 = 8 and 1 x 8 = 8. Taking turns, each player chooses two cards and solves the sums. Turn the cards over to check if the answer is correct. If the answers are correct and the same, the player keeps those two cards. If they’re not the same or an answer is incorrect, replace the cards question-side up. Then the next player takes his or her turn. The person with the most cards at the end of the game, wins.
3) Times Tables Boardgame

Play on your own or with a friend.
You’ll need: Your pack of Times Tables Flash Cards, Printable boardgame board.
How to play: Shuffle the Times Tables Flash Cards and divide them equally between the 4 piles on the board. Place all markers on the “LET’S DO THIS”. To start, each player takes a turn and takes one card from each pile. Solve each of the four cards. If the answer is correct, move forward one space per correct card, if incorrect, move back one space per incorrect card.
Once all players have taken their “starting turn”, the game continues like this: If you have landed on a 3, take a card from pile 3. Solve the answer. If your answer is correct, move one space forward. If it’s incorrect, move one space backwards. Correct cards are discarded into the “Discard” pile. Incorrect cards are returned to the bottom of the relevant pack. The first player to reach the “YOU WIN” has won!
4) Times Tables Treasure Hunt

Play on your own or in a group. Play with all the cards, or with a few sets to practice those particular times tables.
You’ll need: Just your pack of Times Tables Flash Cards, and place to hide the cards (inside or outside)
How to play: Shuffle and then hide the cards (or have someone hide them) in places around the house or garden. You can hide them on their own or in piles of 5 cards. The aim of the game is to find and then collect as many correctly solved cards as possible. When the player finds a card (or a group of cards) he or she solves the sums and checks the back to see if they’re right. If the answer is correct, the player keeps (collects) the card. If not, the player leaves the card hidden and leaves to find another pile of cards. The game continues until all the cards have been found and collected. The player with the most cards wins.
5) Times Table Bingo

Play in a group, or on your own. Play with all the cards – 1x – 12x tables.
You’ll need: Your pack of Times Tables Flash Cards, a copy of the Times Tables poster, B-I-N-G-O markers printable.
How to play: Shuffle the pack of Times Table Flash Cards. Deal them out so each player has 5 cards, put the rest of the cards in a pile. Each player should also have their 4 sets of B-I-N-G-O markers. Each player has a turn to solve one of their cards and place a marker down on the Times Tables Poster board. If you solve the card 4 x 6 = 24, you can place any one of your markers on any 24 on the board. Once the card is solved it is discarded in to a pile next to the other pile and a new card is taken; players will always have 5 cards in hand. The aim of the game is to put down a complete B-I-N-G-O set next to each other vertically, horizontally or diagonally. The first person to do this wins.

Have fun!
You’ll know this to be true, Momma!
When your child is having fun, they can commit to anything!
It’s the same with learning. If your child is enjoying a learning activity, not only is he or she way more engaged and “switched on” mentally, but your child is discovering new things, making new connections and storing all that info more effectively. And when the time comes for that info to be used, you’ll see it all comes back a lot quicker and more accurately!
Plus, if you’re having some fun with your child, while you tackle a Math topic together – it’s a double-win!
If Math wasn’t one of your strengths as a child, you might find it daunting to help your child with it. Especially if they have learning gaps or have given up completely on succeeding in Math.
But you’re not alone Mama! I’ve created some awesome resources to make this easier on you and effective at helping your child learn Math.

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